Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Meiji Restoration of Japan

Japan is an archipelago which means that it is made up of many different little islands. The country of Japan was basically isolated from the rest of the world for a long period of time. Japan had no interaction with the outside world and they did want to either. However Mathew Perry was sent to Japan in order to get goods from them. Mathew Perry wanted to water and coal for their ships and their trade with China. These Americans also wanted to open the doors for Japan it would not be an isolated country anymore. The Japanese did not want to sign the treaty of trade but since they didn't want the Americans to destroy their country, they actually ended up signing the treaty of trade. In other words, Japan was sort of forced to sign the treaty of trade. After they signed it, they were no longer isolated from the world because they now started to trade with Russia, China, Britan, and France. As Japan began to trade more their economy grew and went up because they weren't relying on only themselves anymore. As the economy grew the government began to change and dissolve. The government was now militarize and Japan became more industrialized and commercialized due to the western political and economic influences.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Karl Marx and Communism

Karl Marx saw that because of the Industrial Revolution the only people that were moving forward and becoming rich were the owners of factories and businesses. However, the people who worked long hours and under horrible conditions were getting no where. He believed that everyone should have the same pay in other words equality. He also believed that the workers should be the ones controlling the factories and farms instead of the landlords or that the workers should united and cause a revolution. Karl Marx stated that the wealth should be distributed "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs." Karl Marx believed that capitalism and other governments were only for the rich people because they were the only ones in power and the only ones that had the most money. With communism everyone would have the same pay and no one would own any property. This meant that there would not be any social classes what so ever.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Karl Mark and the Industrial Revolution

Karl Mark was a man who didn't appreciate or like the Industrial Revolution. He believed that the workers were being treated very unfairly and the wage they were getting paid were very low. He also believed that the factories were in very harsh conditions and very dangerous. Karl Mark realized that the factory owners were the only ones getting rich while the workers just worked and worked but continued to be poor. He called the factory owners bougeoisie and the workers or middle class were called the proletarians. This led Karl Marx to develop Communism because he wanted to end the fact that the bougeoisie were the only ones with all the power. He wanted everyone to be equal in pay and in power.