Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Treaty of Versailles

The Treaty of Versailles was based on World War I and Germany was the country to take all the blame for it. This Treaty was actually signed in France and symbolizes the end of WWI. The Treaty of Versailles forced and had Germany obligated to pay a compensation for all the destruction of the war. In other words, the Treaty of Versailles affected Germany in a very bad way. For instance, Germany lost 10 percent of its land and all of its overseas colonies to the Allies which were France, British, and American. In addition to losing so much land, the Germans also lost about 12.5 percent of their own people. So some German people were not even living in Germany territory. In result to the treay, Germany's economy became even worse after the war because they couldn't recover themselves because they had so much money to pay the allies. Their produce and profit were entirely used as payments to the allies. The Germans lost military power and were soon into a recession. Since Germany was very desperate to recover and to put revenge on the allies, the treaty actually lead to WWII and the rise of Adolf Hitler and also facism.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and the Modernization of Turkey

Mustafa Kemal was one of those leaders who lead his country such as turkey to total independence from the Ottoman Empire. He, Mustafa Kemal became President of Turkey for 15 years and during those 15 he modernize Turkey using sweeoing reforms and many other notions. He wanted to give Turkey a sense of dignity, equality, and happiness. As president he created the "6 Arrows" which include republicanism, populism, secularism, reformism, nationalism, and statism. He also allowed Moslem majority and small minorities free to practice their faith and what ever they wanted. Most of his reforms were full of secular instructions and he believed that in freedom and equality for all and even though the peasants were less of social class he also believed that they were a big part of society. In the modernization, Mustafa changed the way people wore clothes and also he declared that the religious beliefs should have nothing to do with the governments actions. In other words a secular government.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Film Lesson "Gandhi"

At one point in time India was ruled and controlled by Great Britain. However Mahatma Gandhi was a significant figure who helped India gain Independence. Gandhi was a very important leader in India. He was one of those leaders who believed in non-violence. However he strongly believed in passive resistance, in civil disobidence and in helping India gets its Independence from Britian. Gandhi led many boycotts and non-violent actions. He encourage people in India to stop buying the British cloth and to make and weave their own clothes. Gandhi himself, spent hours per day making his clothes. In additon to that boycott, the British only allowed the Indians to buy salt from the British only. Therefore Gandhi marched with other hundreds of Indians to the edge of India in order to make their own salt. In the movie whenever the Indians went behind Gandhi's back and used violence, Gandhi would take it upon himself and he would fast until the Indians would stop using violence and being to use civil diobidence again. Gandhi went to jail many times and he was placed in jail by the British however whenever he came out he still went back to helping get India's Independence.