Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Film Lesson: "Mountains on the Moon"

The Europeans faced many hardships while exploring Africa and trying to find the source of the Nile River. For once, the Europeans had to deal with the tribes in Africa. Theses tribes would destroy where the Europeans would sleep and threaten the explorartion of Richard Burton and John Speak. John Speak got captured once by a tribe and was stable in both legs. As f0r Richard Burton he got sa speare right through. As the explorartion conttinued the Europeans had to deal with the wild animals as well. For instance, Richard Burton saved a run away slave from a pair of tigers. However if it wasnt for John Speak being as backup Burton would have been attacked or even killed by the furious lion. The source of the Nile River is called Lake Victoria and it is named after a British Queen. It is very weird that it is still named Lake Victoria because Queen Victoria has been dead for many years now. The Europeans were able to conquer Africa due to the fact that they were very advance in technology. For instance, the Europeans had weapons and gun and they also had alot of money and tools to hunt. In additon the Europeans also had slaves to do all the dirty work.

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