Friday, September 5, 2008

Evolution vs. Creation

There have been many controversies and debates between evolution and creation. The two theories of evolution and creation has been going back and forth for many many years. Some people believe in the scientific proof about life, while other people believe in which mankind was created by God.

Darwin's theory of evolution conveys that all creators on Earth have or decsended from a common ancestor and that all aspect of life is highly related. Further more, the theory also states that every creator evolve from a more simplistic ancestor naturaly over time. This is due to natural selection which has to do with the genetic mutation that occurs in a creator. However the beneficial mutations are preserved and past on to the next generation. As these beneficial mutation become more and more over time it would result in an entirely different organism.

On the other hand, creation is a totally different belief. Creationism is the belief that everything including humanity, life, mankind, everything was presupposed or made by god. People here believe that everything was supposed to happen and that everything is written in the book. God is the creator and therefore he should be worshiped and that this is based on religion.

In my point of view I believe in evolution and science. The reason why is because everything stated has evidence behind. As from in creation which is based on religion is all about having a strong faith in something that has no proof about whether it happened or not. For evolution you can see that one thing leads to the next and that it actually makes sense and that is why I believe in evolution and science more than in creation.

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