Thursday, September 18, 2008

John Locke and "The Enlightment"

John Locke was a very influencial person in history especially in the time of "The Enlightment". He as philosopher his notions and ideals influenced Thomas Jefferson when he wrote for the Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration of Independence, John Locke believed that everyone was given rights by God. These rights include Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness. In addition, the Declaration states that in order for the people to keep these rights that a government should be establish and if the government voilates or destructes the rights of the people, then and only then the people should go against it and abolish the government. Additionally, the people have the power to overthrow a government that abuses the human rights of the people. In other words people are the ones that have most of the power due to the fact the we could go against anything and reconstruct it in a more suitable way for the people to live in.

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